DD Free Dish Installation and Settings

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DD Free Dish Installation and Settings

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Establishment of the Receive System:

Establishment of the DTH get framework is extremely simple and doesn't take a lot of time. The watchers might take the administrations of talented specialized staff to get the dish introduced and situated towards the ideal Satellite, trailed by tuning/arranging the Set-Top-Box unit. Dish Installation and STB-Tuning technique is ordinarily referenced in the manual provided by separate producer alongside their get framework. As a wide rule, a portion of the boundaries which might be expected to be taken care of to the STB are demonstrated underneath.

Satellite being used:

GSAT series Geostationary Satellite GSAT-15 from ISRO is being utilized to offer the types of assistance of DD Free Dish in Ku-Band. Gathering of DD Free Dish signal is accessible all through the length and expansiveness of the Indian Territory aside from Andaman and Nicobar Islands.

Orbit. Type: Geo-simultaneous

Satellite's Orbital area: 93.5° East

DTH Receive Parameters:

Get boundaries of the Doordarshan's DTH bunch of TV channels (spread in 4 streams), are as per the following:

U/L Freq. (MHz) Polarity Downlink Frequency (MHz) LNB Frequency (MHz) Image Rate (Ksps) FEC
14140 Vertical 11090 9750 29500 3/4
14220 Vertical 11170 9750 29500 3/4
14270 Vertical 11470 9750 29500 3/4
14310 Vertical 11510 9750 29500 3/4
14350 Vertical 11550 9750 29500 3/4
14430 Vertical 11630 10600 30000 3/5

Following is the interesting tuning system of STB for getting the TV Channels. Anyway in the event that need be, the watchers might counsel the establishment manual provided with STB or contact the closest STB Dealer.

1. Satellite Name:

a) Go to Installation menu or arrangement Program from remote.

b) Select Satellite Edit menu.

c) Select Add New Satellite menu

d) Select Sat Name Edit menu.

e) Enter Satellite Name as GSAT-15

f) Enter Satellite Longitude as 93.5° E

g) Press Exit

2. LNB Configuration

a) Go to LNB Configuration menu. Guarantee that satellite chose is GSAT-15 as it were.

b) Set LNB Types as Universal.

c) Set LNB Power on.

d) Press Exit

3. Transport floods of Transponder (TP) Edit:

a) Go to Transponder Edit menu. Guarantee that satellite chose is GSAT-15.

b) Select Add New TP menu.

c) Enter TP Frequency as 11170 MHz.

d) Select Symbol rate as 28500 Ksps.

e) Select Polarization as Vertical.

f) Select Scan as FTA.

g) Press OK.

h) '22K' OFF*

I) 'Plate. Equivalent'. Off

In the wake of filling the above values Go to 'Look'

Press 'alright'

The new 167 TV and 48 Radio administrations will be shown. Correspondingly add any remaining three Transport streams (TP's) by entering particular frequencies, image rate and polarization as given in Table above

Note: - The previously mentioned advances might be in various request in a portion of the STBs.

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