National Hindi News Channel 'Bharat24' "Bharat24" has been launched. Union Information Broadcasting Minister Anurag Thakur launched this channel on Sunday, 14 August 2022. In a function organized on the occasion of the launch, Anurag Thakur while congratulating the team said, “I wish the CEO Dr. Jagdish Chandra and his entire team all the best for this new channel. Media is the fourth pillar of democracy and it should act as a bridge between the government and the public and I believe that.
Hi Friends this time Prasar Bharati Conduct 65 E-auction in 19 December 2022 and one TV channel as successful win the slote in DD Free Dish it has Hindi News Channel "Bharat 24" and now you can seen in DD Free Dish After 24 December 2022 and others TV channel name show after 24 December 2022 so wait one or two days but this Bharat 24 News channel news is conform
Enjoy Bharat 24 News channel its conform by Bharat 24 Twitter Accounts twites but Prasar Bharti not Declaire.
Another leap of Bharat 24 National News Channel, the channel will now also be seen on DD Free Dish.
There is an atmosphere of excitement among the viewers/staff and advertisers of the channel after Bharat 24 channel comes on Free Dish.
Bharat 24 News |
Bharat 24 channel CEO Jagdish Chandra claimed that Bharat 24 is probably the first channel in the history of television to have signed 100 major advertisers in the first days of its launch.
Taking another big leap in the world of news, Bharat 24 has acquired a DD Free DISH connection in Prasar Bharati's DD Free DISH auction held on 19th December of this month.