Prasar Bharati 67th E-auction Results 65 TV Channels Winning MPEG-2 Slots

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About 67th auction 

This 67th E-auction is for allotment of vacant MPEG-2 slots of DD Free Dish for the Platform period from 01.04.2023 to 31.03.2024

Prasar Bharati has mopped up Rs 1073 from the sale of 65 MPEG-2 65 slots on DD FreeDish.  
Prasar Bharati 67th E-auction Results 65 TV Channels Winning MPEG-2 Slots

65 TV Won this E-auction
Prasar Bharati 67th E-auction Results 65 TV Channels Winning MPEG-2 Slots

Prasar Bharati 67th E-auction Results 65 TV Channels Winning MPEG-2 Slots

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